Download below MS PowerPoint presentations given by Conenor at international forums;
- FIBRACASA -Affordable Houses from Natural Fibre - Plastic Composites (NFC), FAO/Intergovernmental Group of Hard Fibres,
- Salvador City, Bahia, Brazil, 16-18 November 2011
- Application and Commercialisation of Natural Fibres Composites (Jute and Kenaf) in Infrastructure, Construction, Housing and Automotive Sectors, Bio-composites Conference on IJSG- FICCI- NJB,
- August 7, 2012 Federation House, New Delhi, India
- Co-extrusion of multilayer WPCs with CONEX
- The Fifth International WPC Forum of China organised by WPCC, Huangshi City, China, October 21-22, 2011
INNOBITE, Transforming urban and agricultural residues into high performance biomaterials for Green Construction, 3rd workshop on the 18th of September 2014 in Tampere, Finland
Multilayer WPC-Extrusion - Advantages and Cost Reduction
Find below Conenor articles published at High Technology Finland
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 15.09.2007
Photo by ilovebutter